You can copy the translated text and then share them either on social media such as Facebook, Twitter or email it to your friends or family. The English to Telugu Converter gives you resultant text in Unicode Telugu Font, which can used anywhere on web. To copy text just click on copy button and paste it anywhere you want. You can also download text in MS Word format. Make sure to keep downloaded file in "UTF-8" encoding any time you edit that file. Save as Text will save your text in simple notepad file. You can download your Telugu typed text by just click on Save Text as File and Save Text as Document button. It's combo tool can type in both Telugu and English simultaneously in same document without changing language. You could select any of word from suggestion word list and also you can select English word also to insert that one. It's very simple and fastest way to type in Telugu. It gives you suggestion words also so you could select best fit word.
English to Telugu Typing Google Translate - How to use English to Telugu Typing Google Translate?Īs you begin typing the English to Telugu Converter Tool will convert your character simultaneously. Alternatively, you can copy the text and share them either on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, blog, comment or paste it on the Word Document for further formatting and processing of the text.
So in case of browser crash or on the second visit, the previously transliterated text would be retrieved and displayed.Įnglish to Telugu Typing Google Translate - Once you have finished typing, you can email them to anyone for FREE from our website. Moreover, when you enter the spacebar, the text will be automatically saved on your computer. The process of transliterating English to Telugu is very quick and our online software allows unlimited characters and words to be transliterated. Then touch on the required Telugu word to insert it. Type in Tenglish (Telugu words in English) and press 'Space Key' or 'Enter Key' to view corresponding Telugu words. So simply start typing now in English in below editor, press space after each word it will convert it to Telugu like a magic.Įasy typing helps you to type Telugu online. We express our feeling in our religion language. If you live or belong from Andhra Pradesh or Telangana, want to write in your religion language, you can use our tool. You can use this online tool to convert English typing to Telugu Easily. Want to type in your language which is Telugu? Don’t know how to write on Telugu with your Keyboard? Well, we will tell you how can you type in English, convert it to Telugu easily. About our English to Telugu Typing Google Translate Tool